Afterlives: Material Stories from the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection

Lynn Mecklenburg Textile Gallery
@ 10:00 am - @ 4:00 pm

Afterlives explores the many lives of objects and what happens to textiles after they enter the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection. From a child’s feed sack dress lovingly crafted and then saved on a family …

Yellow graphic with colorful butterflies and blue text in the center

Understandable Design and Perfect Imperfections with William Kroll of Tender Co.

Elizabeth Holloway Schar Hall, 5th Floor | Nancy Nicholas Hall
@ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

William Kroll is a multi-disciplinary designer whose brand Tender has been produced in Britain and retailed worldwide since 2010. Through Tender he investigates historical making techniques and problem solving design for a contemporary fashion audience. William previously apprenticed …

Graphic with two photos of a man with dark hair wearing a dark shirt and glasses with a white frame around the photos

Design in Mind: Creating Neuroinclusive Spaces for Health & Well-Being

Room 228, Educational Science Building, 1025 W Johnson St, Madison, WI 53706
@ 9:55 am - 10:45 am

This event has passed. Watch the event recording below: Event Recording How can the built environment better support the diverse ways people think, feel, and experience the world? In this lecture, Dr. Kati Peditto, a Senior Design …

Photo of a woman at bust length outside facing the camera and smiling. She is wearing a blue jacket and orange shirt and has long, brown and blonde hair.

Material Intelligence Tour with Curator Sarah Anne Carter

Ruth Davis Design Gallery
@ 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm

Join curator Dr. Sarah Anne Carter on a tour of Material Intelligence. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and explore the materials and methods in the exhibit. Material Intelligence magazine, published by the Chipstone …

Square black and white graphic with a basket towards the top and glass towards the bottom

Why do we need Scientific Glassblowing?

Nancy Nicholas Hall, 5th Floor
@ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Klaus Paris is a second generation scientific glassblower, born and trained in Germany. Paris will speak about the German glass training programs, the similarities and differences in being a scientific glassblower in different countries and …

Graphic with a photo of a man and bust length and text that reads "why do we need Scientific Glassblowing?"